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Santa Catalina Parish returns to distribution of
The Precious Blood at Holy Communion

Dear Parishioners,
As we approach the sacred season of Advent, we are pleased to share an important update with our parish community. Out of respect for everyone's health and comfort, Santa Catalina Parish has waited until now to reintroduce the reception of the Eucharist under both species, offering the faithful to partake of both the Body and the Precious Blood once again during Communion. This decision was made thoughtfully, with everyone's well-being in mind, and we are grateful for your patience and understanding as we reintroduce this cherished practice.

Receiving the Eucharist under Both Species
Starting on the First Sunday of Advent, the chalice will be available during all Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses. As we reintroduce this practice, we encourage each of you to prayerfully consider participating fully in the sacrament by receiving both the Body and Blood of Christ.

Health Considerations and Fullness of Grace
For those who may be immunocompromised, experiencing respiratory symptoms, or concerns about illness exposure, we recommend receiving only the host. Please remember that it is not necessary to receive both species to receive the full grace of the sacrament, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church (No. 1390) assures us: "Communion under the species of bread alone makes it possible to receive all the fruit of Eucharistic grace." While receiving both species more fully expresses Christ's gift of himself, the Church teaches that Christ is fully present in each form of the sacrament, allowing us to receive its full grace through either the host or the chalice.

Logistics and Reminders
As we begin offering the chalices at each Vigil and Sunday Mass, please be patient if we run out of the Precious Blood before you come to receive. We will adjust the amount of wine consecrated as we gauge interest in this renewed offering and work to accommodate all who wish to partake.
To ensure the dignified and safe distribution of the Precious Blood, our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be trained in advance to properly purify the chalice after each communicant receives.

Important Reminders:

Intinction: Dipping the host into the chalice is only permitted for priests and bishops. Others should refrain from dipping their host, as this is considered "self-communication," which the Church does not permit.
As we prepare for Advent, may this reintroduction of the chalice deepen our reverence and joy in the Eucharist. Let us open our hearts to God’s grace during this season of renewal. We look forward to coming together with hearts full of gratitude and renewed faith.

In Christ our Redeemer,

Fr. Huy Vu, C.S.s.R,  Pastor

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