Social Awareness and Justice Ministries (SAJM)
The Church’s social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society.
As Catholics, we strive to Respect Life and Dignity of the Human person; to defend Human Rights and Responsibilities; to protect Marriage and Family; preference for the Poor and Vulnerable; to safeguard the Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers; to pursue Justice and Peace, and to be Stewards of God’s Creation. 
    --Seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching
Santa Catalina Catholic Church is committed to the social mission of the Church.  We dedicate our lives to be the Voice, Hands, and Spirit of Christ, to serve our brothers and sisters in need through these Catholic Social Teaching Principles.  We respond to God’s call through the Social Awareness and Justice Ministry (SAJM).  The ministries of SAJM are centered on encountering the individuals where they are at and by walking with them.
At Santa Catalina, we are blessed to have dedicated parishioners who are aware of the needs of the other and of the world.  By our commitment to the wounded world, we hope other could join us to continue God’s call to Love.
     Fr. Huy Vu, C.S.s.R.
     For with the Lord is Mercy, with Him is plentiful redemption.
     Ps. 130:7

SAJM Mission Statement

Guided by the Holy Spirit and the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching, the Social awareness and Justice Ministry provides educational, advocacy and volunteer opportunities for initiatives and programs that address poverty, oppression, inequality, and other social issues. We work to take appropriate action to help bring about an improvement in these situations.

You are encouraged to be aware, engage and to volunteer in our Caring, Feeding and Clothing and Encouraging Ministries. 

We provide food and clothing to the homeless and the migrants.  We create educational programs around issues of concern and sensitivity.

We offer support for those who serving their sentences but still want to walk with our forgiving Lord.

Each ministry is led by a parishioner and we invite you to consider joining us. You bring your life experiences to Santa Catalina and we welcome your participation.

Click any Ministry Name to explore details.

Care For Creation
Caring for our environment, its sustenance and its beauty, has been a long tradition in Catholic history as the first source of Revelation. Pope Francis's Laudato Si has emphasized the growing importance of climate and environmental concerns.
This ministry seeks to help our parish understand what caring for creation means, and how to become involved. Because climate change disproportionately impacts the poor and vulnerable we will develop and participate in activities that improve our local environment and collaborate with the Catholic Climate Change Coalition.

For more information about this ministry, please contact:

Kathie Calbone or Mary Hojnacki at