The Traveling Vocations Cross Program

Our parish is starting a new program. It is called the Traveling Vocations Cross.

The program provides an opportunity to pray for vocations at home and to appreciate the value of Priesthood, Consecrated Life, and Marriage.

Starting October 22, the parishioner who has signed up will receive the travelling cross at the altar at the end of the 9 AM mass just after the Eucharist for the
homebound is distributed.

The parishioner will pray during the week for vocations and return the traveling cross to the working sacristy before the following Sunday’s 9 AM mass. The next parishioner who has signed up will receive it at the end of the 9 AM mass.

Parishioners sign up to volunteer their participation. A sign-up sheet will be available at the Vocations Ministry table at the Ministry Fair on October 14-15 and then in the narthex at the church. The parishioner who has the traveling cross agrees to return it and the prayer literature for transfer to the next parishioner.

It is the Vocations Ministry hope that this experience will encourage us to take seriously our vocation as a member of the Body of Christ and encourage all of us to pray for the gift of vocations, especially in religious life.