Yoga Faith meets every Tuesday at Santa Catalina Church in the Parish Hall. We meet in the Catalina room from 9:30-10:30.  If you are new, we ask that you register your name, phone number and sign a waiver. The classes are free of charge, but we kindly ask for a donation of $5 which we give to Father Huy Vu every four months to do with what charity he sees is in need.

Yoga Faith begins with a bible reading, our individual intentions and then we begin to find the rhythm of each inhale and exhale with each body movement. Our postures are always a practice; we focus on alignment, balance, strengthening core muscles, stretching tight muscles, opening tight hips,  reclined twists, while focusing on breathing in and breathing out. We stand, sit, kneel, lay on our backs and on our stomachs. The movements are in a slow flow, if we begin standing, later we sit, then lie prone. After our 45 minutes, we begin our final resting pose. A final prayer is read as we all peacefully end the practice. 

All are welcome, men and women,  whether you are a parishioner or visiting  our church. Maybe you are looking to find a sense of peace and calmness in your life. Come and join us. 

We have a few mats, several blocks , and bands to share.  Dress comfortably, and come with an open mind and open heart. 

"Remember that bodily exercise, when it is well ordered, as I have said, is also a prayer by means which you can please God our Lord."   - St. Ignatius of Loyola

For further information contact Rebecca Luczyk (440) 785-5044 or