To Report Elder Abuse

1.  Call 911 to make a police report.

2.  If the abuse happens in any other state, call the Police or Sheriff’s Office in the specific area of that state.

3. Call the Victim Assistance Program of the Diocese of Tucson 1-800-234-0344 and/ or the Office of Child, Adolescent and Adult Protection at 520-838-2513.
Diocese Office of Child, Adolescent, and Adult Protection

Richard Serrano
Manager of Office of Child, Adolescent, and Adult Protection

(520) 838-2513

Benjamin Jimenez
Diocesan Investigator

(520) 838-2574

Christina Vargas
Safe Environment Manager

(520) 838-2577

Melissa Tocco
Safe Environment Administrator

(520) 838-2560

Monalisa Oreschnick
Safe Environment Administrator

(520) 838-2536