Sr. Jose has seen the need for services grow at an alarming rate. During 2022, there was
a 60% increase in folks who are unsheltered in Pima County. Women make up 37% of
the homeless population and 78% of these women are unsheltered. Sr. Jose’s has seen
a 35% increased demand for services in the past year. In addition, more older women
are seeking assistance - 35% of the guests are over 55. The shelters biggest needs are:

• New underwear and socks, ankle and long
• Tennis shoes (new or gently used)
• Backpacks
• Bras and sports bras of all sizes (new or gently used)
• Sleeping bags or light weight yoga mats
• Travel sized items - hand sanitizer, body wash, shampoo conditioner, tissues
• Hair ties, brushes, and combs
• Dog and cat food
• Blankets
• Cooler weather clothes
• Deodorant

You can take your donations to the center at 1050 S. Park Ave. Call 520-909-3905 if you have questions.
If you are interested in helping at the center, send an e-mail to Sally Sample at

Sister Jose was a Franciscan nun who dedicated her life to helping the poor. A close friend of Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez, she followed the gospel of St. Francis and was a passionate speaker on the presence of God in the ordinary life.

The Sister Jose Women's Center in Tucson is dedicated to the care and nurture of homeless women in a welcoming environment. Her legacy is in the spirit of all those who volunteer there. Visitors to the Center come from the street, from broken homes or abuse.

They bring their fears and their fatigue in a search for safety, shelter and self-respect.
At the Center, they are treated with respect and with love.

The Center provides hot meals and sack lunches daily. The women can sign up for showers, laundry, or shop at the retail shop (stocked by donations). They can receive guidance by counselors or enroll in the program "Create", a curriculum of life skills and job readiness which helps the women work toward independence, find a job, an apartment, a new life. We celebrate each individual who finds their way back into society.

Members of our ministry and parish volunteer at Sr. Jose in the kitchen, the reception desk or the retail shop. Others provide opportunities to do basic art, bead work, puzzles etc.

If you are interested in living the motto of the Center "Sisters Helping Sisters", contact the Center· directly by email at

For more information on this ministry, please contact Sally Sample

Our ministry also coordinates an annual fundraiser working with the Center's staff to plan, develop and organize this event. Volunteers are needed to seek auction items within the community, as well as, to help organize the event.

For more information on the annual benefit, please contact JoAnn Weston-